2014年7月27日 星期日

cisco 4506 Password Recovery

1.Press Ctrl-C within 5 seconds to prevent autoboot.

rommon 1 > set
rommon 1 > confreg

 Configuration Summary :
 => load ROM after netboot fails
 => console baud: 9600
 => autoboot from: commands specified in 'BOOT' environment variable

 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n  [n]:  y
 enable  "diagnostic mode"? y/n  [n]:  n
 enable  "use net in IP bcast address"? y/n  [n]:  n
 disable "load ROM after netboot fails"? y/n  [n]:  n
 enable  "use all zero broadcast"? y/n  [n]:  n
 enable  "break/abort has effect"? y/n  [n]:  n
 enable  "ignore system config info"? y/n  [n]:  y

 change console baud rate? y/n  [n]:  n

 change the boot characteristics? y/n  [n]:  n
 Configuration Summary :
 => load ROM after netboot fails
 => ignore system config info
 => console baud: 9600
 => autoboot from: commands specified in 'BOOT' environment variable

 do you wish to save this configuration? y/n  [n]:  y
 You must reset or power cycle for new configuration to take effect

rommon 1 >confreg=0x2142
You must reset or power cycle for the new configuration to take effect.
Issue the reset command so that the module reboots.
Due to the changes that you made in step 2, the module reboots but ignores the saved configuration.
rommon 2 > reset

Resetting .......

rommon 3 >

Switch#configure memory

config t
no no enable secret

enable secret cisco

config-register 0x2102


sh ver
Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)


cisco password recovery

2014年7月23日 星期三

2014年7月22日 星期二

Multiple SSID With Multiple VLANs (Cisco AP)

<<<Configuration on the AP - Step 1>>> 
Conf t
Dot11 ssid one
Vlan 1
Authentication open
Mbssid Guest-mode
Dot11 ssid two
Vlan 2
  authentication open
  authentication key-management wpa
  wpa-psk ascii 7 <WPA key>
Mbssid Guest-mode
Dot11 ssid three
Vlan 3
authentication key-management wpa version 2
wpa-psk ascii 7 <WPA key>
Mbssid Guest-mode
<<<Step 2 - Assigning the Encryption to different SSIDs with respective VLANs>>> 
Int dot11 0
encryption vlan 1 mode wep mandatory
encryption vlan 1 key 1 size 40bit <10bit key>
encryption vlan 2 mode ciphers tkip
encryption vlan 3 mode ciphers aes-ccm 
ssid one
ssid two
ssid three
<<<Step 3 - Configuring the sub interface for Dot11 radio 0 and Ethernet.>>>
AP(config)# interface Dot11Radio0.1
AP(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
AP(config-subif)#bridge group 1
AP(config-subif)# interface FastEthernet0.1
AP(config-subif)#bridge group 1
AP(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
AP(config)# interface Dot11Radio0.2
AP(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 2
AP(config-subif)#bridge group 2
AP(config-subif)# interface FastEthernet0.2
AP(config-subif)#bridge group 2
AP(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 2
AP(config)# interface Dot11Radio0.3
AP(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 3
AP(config-subif)#bridge group 3
AP(config-subif)# interface FastEthernet0.3
AP(config-subif)#bridge group 3
AP(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q 3
AP(config)#bridge irb
Ap(config)# bridge 1 route ip
Ap(config)# end
Multiple SSID With Multiple VLANs  

2014年7月18日 星期五

cisco controller add outdoor ap

cisco controller add outdoor ap

2014年7月16日 星期三

aruba lacp config

interface gigabitethernet 1/0
        description "GE1/0"
        trusted vlan 1-4094
        switchport access vlan 12
        lacp group 0 mode active

interface gigabitethernet 1/1
        description "GE1/1"
        trusted vlan 1-4094
        switchport access vlan 12
        lacp group 0 mode active

Outdoor ap join controller

Adding the Access Point MAC Address to the Wireless LAN Controller
Filter List

The wireless LAN controller maintains an access point authorization MAC address list and responds to discovery requests from access points on that list. To add the access point MAC address (or MAC addresses) to the Wireless LAN controller filter list, follow these steps:

Step 1 If you are not logged onto the wireless LAN controller, log on now. The Summary page appears.
Step 2 On the menu bar, click SECURITY . The Security RADIUS Authentication Server page appears.
Step 3 Under AAA in the left frame, click MAC Filtering. The Security MAC Filtering page appears.
Step 4 Click New. The MAC Filters New page appears.
Step 5 Enter the MAC address of the access point in the MAC Address field. You can also use the config macfilter add command to add a MAC filter entry to the controller.
Step 6 Select a WLAN ID or Any WLAN from the WLAN ID pop-up menu.
Step 7 Enter a description (32 characters maximum) of the access point in the Description field.
Step 8 Choose an interface from the Interface Name pop-up menu.
Step 9 Click Apply .
Step 10 Repeat this process to add other access points to the list.